What is Financial Education?

Ohhh that’s a good question!!!

For some people financial education means,Learn how to save money, balance a Chequebook and use credit card Responsibly.

Whatever your definition of financial education, it’s clear that there’s one thing we can all agree on—financial education is nearly non-existent in our schools & colleges.

If you ask people who have really grown their money multiple times all have come from investing in stocks or mutual funds Eg: Mr. Warren Buffet, Mr. Radhakrishna Damani, Mr. Rakesh Junjunwala etc.

Financial Education is the ability to understand and effectively apply various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. Financial education helps individuals become self-sufficient so that they can achieve financial stability and avoid retirement SHOCKS. The lack of financial literacy may lead to making poor financial choices that can have negative consequences on the financial well-being of an individual and can lead to owing large amounts of debt and making poor financial decisions.

Benefits of Financial Education

Financial education focuses on the ability to manage personal finance matters efficiently, and it includes the knowledge of making appropriate decisions about personal finance, such as investing, insurance, real estate, paying for college, budgeting, retirement, and tax planning. Those who understand the subject should be able to answer several questions about purchases, such as whether an item is required, whether it is affordable, and whether it's an asset or a liability. Financial literacy education should also include organizational skills, attention to detail, consumer rights, technology, and global economics because the state of the global economy greatly affects the country’s economy.

This field demonstrates the behaviour’s and attitudes a person possesses about money that is applied to his daily life. Financial education shows how an individual makes financial decisions. This skill can help a person develop a financial road map to identify what he earns, what he spends, and what he owes. This topic also affects small business owners, who greatly contribute to economic growth and stability.

Financial illiteracy affects all ages and all socioeconomic levels. Financial illiteracy causes many people to become victims of predatory lending, mortgages, fraud, and high-interest rates, potentially resulting in bad credit, bankruptcy, or foreclosure.


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